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Sedation Dentistry

Sedation Dentistry .

Many people fear going to the Dentist. At our office, we try our very best to make you as comfortable as possible. Some patients are fine with a little “distraction” while having their dental problems corrected, which is why you can choose to listen to music, or watch television on our ceiling-mounted monitors.

For those that the mere thought of a trip to the Dentist is absolutely terrifying, we offer sedation dentistry. This allows you have an extremely comfortable experience free of fear and fain. There are few, if any, side effects with this technique, as the medications are short-acting.

Receive all of the treatment free of fear and pain.

We specialize in Sedation Dentistry, treating people with dental phobias and anxieties We offer different types of sedation dentistry. These include administering oral sedation, a pill and nitrous oxide (laughing gas) to deliver a combination of drugs. All this depends on the needs of the patient.

In this way the patient and the dentist are comfortable providing and receiving the best possible dental care-safe, and free of stress and pain.

Nitrous Oxide.

Nitrous oxide, also known as laughing gas, is a colorless blend of oxygen and nitrous oxide gases with a pleasant, sweet smell and taste. Inhaling nitrous oxide creates a sense of well-being and relaxation, and it is used effectively to help individuals who experience anxiety or fear about dental treatment feel more at ease. Nitrous oxide increases your pain threshold and, when necessary, makes the administration of anesthetic injections more comfortable. It is also helpful for patients who have a strong gag reflex that interferes with dental treatment.

Caring Dentist Now Accepting New Patients!

Please call our Humble, TX dental office at (281) 540-1141 to schedule your first visit with Dr. Sheeba George Robert. Our Humble office welcomes patients from Atascocita, Kingwood, Porter, The Woodlands, Spring, and surrounding areas. Welcome to our dental family!

  • We offer a no obligation free initial consultation

    Fees are an estimate only and may be more depending on your situation